
Keynotes > Keynote Speakers

Invited Keynote Speakers



Multi-Disciplinary Understanding of Industry 4.0 in Supply Chain Networks and Using Digital Technology for Resilience Management [+]

Prof. Dmitry Ivanov, HWR Berlin (Berlin School of Economics and Law), Chairman of IFAC TC 5.2.

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov is professor of Supply Chain and Operations Management at Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). His research explores structural dynamics and control in complex networks, with applications to supply chain resilience, scheduling in Industry 4.0 systems, supply chain simulation, risk analytics and digital supply chain twins. His research coined several seminal academic and practical directions such as the ripple effect in supply chains and supply chain viability. His research record includes over 360 publications, with over 100 papers in prestigious academic journals, three editions of the leading textbook “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management”, and several research books. He is a recipient of numerous scientific awards. He is passionate about bridging the knowledge of different disciplines and applying it to solution of practically relevant problems. He delivered invited plenary, keynote and panel talks at the conferences of INFORMS, IFPR, DSI, IFAC, and IFIP.  He is leading working groups, tracks and sessions on the Digital Supply Chain, Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilience in global research communities. He holds active editorial positions at several prestigious international journals. He is Chairman of IFAC TC 5.2 “Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control” and has been Chairman, IPC and Advisory Board member of over 60 international conferences.



Addressing the Environmental Challenge through Sustainable Supply Chains [+]

Prof. Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Centre for Supply Chain Improvement, University of Derby, Kedleston Road Campus, Derby, DE22 1 GB, UK

Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes is a professor of Operations Management and Head of the Centre for Supply Chain Improvement at the University of Derby, UK. He is actively involved in industrial projects where he combines his knowledge, expertise and industrial experience in operations management to help organisations achieve excellence in their internal functions and supply chains. He has also led and managed international research projects funded by the British Academy, British Council, European Commission and Mexico’s National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). As a leading academic, he has published over 200 articles in leading scientific journals, international conferences and seven books. Prof. Garza-Reyes is Associate Editor of the Int. J. of Operations and Production Management, Associate Editor of the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Editor of the Int. J. of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience and Editor-in-Chief of the Int. J. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Areas of expertise and interest for Professor Garza-Reyes include general aspects of operations and manufacturing management, business excellence, quality improvement, and performance measurement.


Industrial Keynote


Architecting can orient for smart and sustainable system solutions [+]

Jean-Luc Garnier, Thales Group, Director for Systems Engineering and Architecting Director for Thales Technical Directorate, President of the French Chapter of INCOSE. 

Jean-Luc Garnier is Systems Engineering and Architecting Director within the Thales Technical Directorate. His domain of expertise is real-time distributed systems. From 1984 to 1999, he had been software engineer and expert within consulting companies, mainly on compilers, operating systems and real-time telecoms developments. He joined Thales in 2000 as system architect, successively in Integrated Modular Avionics, Electronic Warfare and Network Centric Warfare. He is co-author of the Thales Systems Engineering Methodology and author of several handbooks. He teaches Operational analysis, Systems Engineering and Architecting at the Thales Learning Hub and the NATO School. He is president of the French Chapter of INCOSE (French Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering). He also chairs Architecture Working Groups within INCOSE, AFNOR (French Chapter of ISO) and EDA (European Defence Agency). He is project leader of the ISO/IEC/IEEE-42020 (Architecture processes) and ISO/IEC/IEEE-42010 (Architecture Description) standards; and co-editor of the NATO Architecture Framework.



Previous Invited Keynote Speakers

PRO-VE 2020
 Hawkins.png Dr. David E Hawkins
Institute for Collaborative Working, Spain
 Cornella.png Dr. Alfons Cornella
Institute of Next and Infonomia, Spain
 Soriano.png Dr. Joaquin Soriano
Quality Clarios EMEA, Spain
PRO-VE 2019
Thoben.png Prof. Klaus-Dieter Thoben
University of Bremen, Germany
Leitao.png Prof. Dr. Paulo Leitão
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
PRO-VE 2018
Schaffers.png Dr. Hans Schaffers
Radboud University and Adventure Research, Netherlands
Azevedo_1.png Prof. Volker Stich
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Azevedo_2.png Prof. Americo Azevedo
University of Porto, Portugal
PRO-VE 2017
Robert_Meijer.png Prof. Robert Meijer
University of Amsterdam and TNO, Netherlands
TorbenBachPedersen.jpg Prof. Torben Bach Pedersen
Aalborg University, Denmark
PRO-VE 2016
2016_PS.jpg Dr. Paul Smart
University of Southampton, UK
2016_KMC.jpg Prof. Kathleen M. Carley
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
PRO-VE 2015
2015_FC.jpg Prof. François Charoy
University of Lorraine, France
2015_BG.png Prof. Bernard Grabot
National Engineering School of Tarbes, France
2015_JJG.jpg Prof. Jose Julio Gonzales
University of Agder & Gjovik University College, Norway
PRO-VE 2014
2014_MD.jpg Assoc. Prof. Mehdi Dastani
Utrecht University, Netherlands
2014_EF.jpg Dr. Erastos Filos
European Commission, Belgium
2014_JF.jpg Prof. John Fitzgerald
Newcastle University, UK
PRO-VE 2013
2013_EW.jpg Prof. Dr. Engelbert Westkämper
IPA Fraunhofer, Germany
2013_NC.jpg Prof. Dr. Noshir Contractor
Northwestern University, USA
PRO-VE 2012
2012_KM.jpg Dr. Kyrill Meyer
University Leipzig, Germany
2012_RD.jpg Dr. Rob Dekkers
University of West of Scotland, UK
PRO-VE 2011
2011_WE.jpg Dr. Wilfried Elmenreich
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
PRO-VE 2010
2010_JCA.jpg Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto
University of Ulster at Jordanstown, UK
2010_BM.jpg Prof. Benoit Montreuil
Laval University, Canada
PRO-VE 2009
2009_WVDA.jpg Prof. Wil van der Aalst
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands
2009_TA.jpg Dr. Theologos Athanaselis
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
2009_SH.jpg Dr. Stylianos Hatzipanagos
King's College London, UK
PRO-VE 2008
2008_WL.jpg Prof. Wouter Los
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008_KZ.jpg Prof. Krzysztof Zielinski
AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland
PRO-VE 2007
2007_RR.jpg Dr. Rainer Ruggaber
SAP, Germany
2007_LCM.jpg Prof. Luís M. Camarinha-Matos
Nova University of Lisbon / Uninova, Portugal
2014_EF.jpg Dr. Erastos Filos
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2006
2006_SJ.jpg Prof. Simon Jones
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PRO-VE 2005
2005_SYN.jpg Prof. Shimon Y. Nof
Purdue University, USA
PRO-VE 2004
2004_AZ.jpg Dr. Arian Zwegers
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2003
2003_MVZ.jpg Prof. Max von Zedtwitz
Tsinghua University, China
2003_IL.jpg Dr. Isidro Laso
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2002
2002_JV.jpg Dr. Jesus Villasante
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 2000
2000_TG.jpg Dr. Ted Goranson
Sirius-Beta, USA
2000_HC.jpg Hermano Cintra
Neomarkets, Brazil
2014_EF.jpg Dr. Erastos Filosz
European Commission, Belgium
2000_MM.jpg Dr. Marina Manzoni
European Commission, Belgium
PRO-VE 1999
2014_EF.jpg Dr. Erastos Filo
European Commission, Belgium




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